A brief introduction and our backstory, to break the ice and make a good first impression!

From the Chief Instructor:

Thanks for stopping by!

I’m humbled and thrilled by the generous positive feedback from our students, and all the praise and attention we receive. When I started Superstar Screenwriters not very long ago, I never imagined what a marvelous journey it would be!

Superstar Screenwriters is a relative newcomer in the big and diverse world of screenwriting instruction, and we owe our steady growth to our loyal and passionate worldwide community. Thanks to our loyal supporters, we’re now stronger than ever!

On Christmas morning of 2017, I started an Instagram page. I didn’t know much about Instagram or any other kind of social media, and I created the page just to find out what all the hype was about.

On that page, rather than posting photos of my cats or dogs, I decided to publish my notes to self. Those notes were about what I learned as a screenwriter. I was shocked by the amount of positive feedback these notes started receiving almost right away!

I started posting daily – and about three months later somebody reached out to me and asked if I would teach them screenwriting. I couldn’t possibly say no to such a request, so of course I agreed. On the same day, another person requested training, and became my second student. A month or so later, I was already a full-time screenwriting teacher.

For a couple of years since then, I taught screenwriting privately, one-on-one, every day, twelve to sixteen hours a day, with no days off or holidays, and with only a couple of very brief vacations. It was intense – but it was also amazing. Throughout these years, I didn’t spend much time living in the real world, having been immersed instead in the world of my students’ imagination.

I estimate having worked on tens of thousands of story ideas, thousands of stories and hundreds of film and TV scripts in every genre imaginable.

During that time, one of my students sold a TV show to Netflix, and another sold a feature screenplay to a French production company. Another student was hired to write a feature film based on a producer idea. In one exceptional case, a student writer with no track record, and not a single completed screenplay in his portfolio, impressed a producer so much with his story outlines. that he was hired on a spot to write a script based on one of those outlines – and then he was hired again to write a second script!

A producer student of mine has finished the production of a feature movie based on her screenplay, and another student won a prestigious Tribeca award and is about to go into production of a big-budget movie epic, for which she already secured support and financing.

One of my very first students “switched sides” and became a literary agent at the Creative Artists Agency; another went into production and currently has several projects in his pipeline.

What’s even more amazing is that several of my students discovered incredible talent for teaching, and I now rely on their work as instructors to help me “carry the load” (to quote Quentin Tarantino).

Together we ran several public training seminars and even a prototype of our future storytelling contest. It’s been an incredible adventure so far – and things are just getting started!

Join us! I promise, this will change your life!

Your friend,

– Dimitri Vorontzov

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